Thursday - 22 points 34 flex
Breakfast was the new normal. I'm digging just backing off a point for breakfast as it seems to help out with lunch and dinner.
32g of nutty nuggets - 2 points
110g of ff yogurt - 1 point
Lunch was a whirl wind of non activity and the work I've had to do in the past couple of days has died down.
Ham sandwich - 3 points
Apple - 0 points
Plum - 0 points
Pear - 0 points
Carrot - 0 points
Wow, that only brought me down to 16 points left for dinner. We had these awesome morracan hamburgers. It was very lean meat (real this time) mixed with a bunch of spices. The recipe called for dried currents, but we decided that we had enough raisens on hand to make up for it.
Moraccan burgers - 2 points (the meat was measured out)
Hamburger bun - 2 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
1 oz of hummus - 1 point
Mellon - 0 points
Man, I'm left with 9 points. Holy crap, what should I do? Ice cream and brownie? 2tbs of peanut butter too!!! Woohoo!
Dinner - 15 points 35 flex
Left over pizza - 12points
Milk - 2 points
Garlic Bread - 2 points
Dang, had to dip into flex by 1 point. Leaves me 34.
Wednesday - 22 points 35 flex
Breakfast and lunch.
32g of nutty nuggets - 2 points
110g of FF Yogurt - 1 points
My awesome wife and kids came for a picnic and she made me a Chix Patty wrap. It was made with fake chicken patty and the high fibre low point wrap. There was hummus and a whole lot of veggies. All of that was 4 points and very good. Mix in some fruit and pickels and I'm down to 14 points left for tonight. We're having pizza leftovers so I know I'll be good for tonight.
Monday Dinner - 16 points 35 flex
I love seeing that I have a whole new 35 flex points left. We had pizza on the grill/oven for dinner. It should have been made on the grill, but we ran out of propane. I managed to cut the pieces in to 10 instead of 12, but that didn't significantly increase the point value.
2 slices veggie pizza with fake meat - 12 points
skim milk - 2 points
Peach - 0 points
Would seem I had 2 points left for the night and I didn't use them. That's ok, sometimes it's alright. Especially since I ran, so thoes two points could be considered workout points.
New Week More Flex!
Wow, I thought this week I would certainly pay for not working out and making the bad choices that I did. I guess I won't pay this week, but eventually I think it will catch up with me. Perhaps I did make better choices overall, or I was very generous with points that I couldn't exactly calculate, but I was down.
Scale - 165.2 (With my clothes on!)
That's down 2.4lb
And you know what, for all the beating up of myself that I did, I guess overall I deserve this. Remember that you do deserve to lose weight, and keep it off. You don't have to live up to your expectations of failure, defy yourself. Take that chance and make the choice and live with it..good or bad.
Breakfast - 22 points 35 flex (wooohooo)
110g FF Yogurt and 16 g of Nutty Nuggets - 2 points
4mile run - +4 points (thank god today I had the time.)
Lunch - 24 points 35 flex
Big Honkin' salad - 0 points
2 tbs FF French Dressing - 1 point
1/4 cup crasiens - 2 points
1/2 cup mixed nuts - 5 points
That leave me with 16 points for dinner. We're having pizza on the grill. Mmmmmm...that's good stuff. Look for the recipe renovation later this week for the Maytag Bleu Cheese Potato salad.
Monday 22 points -1940857394 flex
Ok, Monday was a normal day and I had 22 points, which I stuck to.
FF Yogurt and 16 g of Nutty Nuggets - 3 points
Sushi (packaged) for lunch - 6 points
Salad w/dressing - 2 points
Fortune Cookie (with Japanese?) - 2 points
Taco Salad w/fake meat
Fake meat - 1 points
1/4 cup cheese - 2 points
32g of tortilla chips - 3 points
Glass of milk - 2 points
1/2 cup of ice cream - 2 points
Ok, that brought me down another borrowed flex. Oh well, I still made good choices, and if I didn't, I'll have to do better.
Sunday Dinner
It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. But that is my own choosing. Thank fully I managed to skip the beer and have only diet soda. The fish was excellent and overall I had about 60z of fish. I took a little of everything. 6oz of most fish is about 6 points. After the mixed vegetables and 1/4 cup of rice, I didn't spend that many points. The points came from pot stickers, dang those things are good. I had two of them, which if I was following the points (which I am) comes to four points.
I was denying myself any of the goodies and that was a bad thing to do. I even asked my poor wife to prevent me from eating dessert. What was the result you ask? I "snuck" a piece of giant cookie. Not a big piece mind you, something around 3 points, but the point is that I "snuck" it and involved her. She shouldn't be my conscience, I should have instead planned on having a specific size and just dealt with it. I came clean eventually to her, but still it bugged me that I did it. Next time, don't deny just enjoy it.
For the day, I had 16 points left for dinner and I ended up spending just about that much. Not so bad. This week seemed to be a bust as work conflicted with my workout schedule. Yes, I could work out at night, but dang it, I just can't get motivated at night. There must be something I can do to over come that. I just hope that tomorrow, I don't suffer (tomorrow being Tuesday since it's Monday) at the scale, like I'm sure I will.
Sunday new day - 22 points -1000 flex
Ok, so Saturday was a bust. I'm sure I can still come out of the weekend not doing to bad. Sunday morning started like it alway does with a whole gallon of coffee and 4 points of nutty nuggets and FF yogurt. For lunch, I had a boiled egg with a ton of fruit. I should do ok for dinner, which is the salmon grill off and picnic.
Yogurt and nuggets - 3 points
Toast - 1 point
boiled egg (lunch) - 2
I'm now at 16 points for dinner. I should be able to do ok for that. We'll be brining the boys, so there shouldn't be any time for me to just sit, chat and munch.
Saturday was a challenging day
It started out good because I knew I would need the points for some of the get together's we were scheduled to be at. Breakfast was only 3 points for the nutty nuggets and FF yogurt, which brought me to 19. I had wanted to go running, but it would seem that I forget my shoes at work. Oh well, I had chores to take care of so it wasn't that big of a deal.
The lunch was going to be tough, but I think I made the right choices. I had 2 pieces of corn on the cob, 2 points. 1 beer, 2 points. Three ribs, which is what a serving is designed to be, for 6 points. So far, I'm down to 9 points. Wow, and I'm not even done yet. Here's what did it for me, my cousin's bleu cheese potato salad. Man, that was so good, I must have had a cup of it. Which I could surmise is either 1 or 2 servings. Since the recipe calls for 10-12 servings, without measurement, I'd have to say that it was 1 serving. That's 6 points. Then of course there was cake. It was this yummy chocolate with mint chocolate frosting. Too good, I think my points were wiped for the day, and I didn't even have dinner.
Beer - 2 points
2 corns - 2 points
3 ribs - 6 points
1 cup potato salad - 6 points
1 3in square of cake - 6 points
I had to dip 3 points into flex. That leaves me with 25 and it's not looking good. I know that because I writing this blog on Sunday and I know what I did last night.
For dinner, I didn't eat anything since I was still full from late lunch, be we fed the boys then I was off to my Fantasy Football draft. I positioned myself away from the food, and got a diet pepsi. Now, I also wedged myself into the corner, which made getting up more difficult so I couldn't just waltz over and take some chex-mix or chips or whatever. But then, to my dismay, my best friend took a whole pizza and put it down between us. I was doing pretty good, trying to fill up on Diet Pepsi so I wouldn't be hungry for pizza. However, before I knew it, three pieces were eaten and down in my belly. Damn.
Well, at least I didn't compound the situation by having beer. I had no beer, and for me that is a huge win. I have to take the wins where I can get them. Well, I am pretty sure that the pizza wiped out my flex for the week. Thankfully, the week is almost over. But on Sunday (today) I have another family outing and I have to be really strict with that. The saving grace there is it's a salmon cook, so everything should be pretty good for us.
Dinner - 14 points 35 flex
Ok, well, we went to Pick 'N Sav before we ate, but we had a plan to go to Noodles N Company for dinner. I was pretty sure I could make some good choices there. We created some salad from the stores salad bar, and I snuck a chunk of cheese, worth a whoping 3 points. I got to watch that. However I put more cheee in the salad.
At Noodles, I opted to get the Japanese pan fried, which is really Udon noodles. Chalked full of fibre and I skipped the meat. My wonderful wife asked if I really needed the regular size and I said she was right, of course. We opted for the small. Now according to Noodles website, their Udon noodles are 12 points. But, they didn't state whether that was regular or small. That being the case, I opted to take the full 12 and the rest of the cheese with the salad.
Salad and cheese - 9 points, ouch, but so worth it.
Udon noodles - 12 points
For the night, that brought me down to use 7 of my flex, which means I'm at 28 flex. Not bad for tonights draft and picnic.
New day - 22 points 35 flex
For breakfast, my standard is not very far for me, so of course the FF Yogurts and Nutty Nuggets brings me to 19. For lunch, I managed to stave off the cravings, but partially because they didn't have much of points for toppings. I had a salad, but with 0 points. I had the FF French dressing, but kept it to the one point serving. There wasn't any craisens or raisens so I couldn't have my sweet stuff. So, I opted to have a piece of French Bread for 2 points. That means my points are down to 16 points. I ended up have a tootsie pop for a snack, 1 point, and a small skim, sugar-free vanilla latte for 1 point. Then my points for dinner at sitting at 14. Pretty good I think...pretty good.
Dinner - 13 points 35 flex
Dinner was simple and left me with a lot of points at the end of the day. It allowed me to have a whole bag of popcorn with fake butter. was good.
Chix Patty (fake chicken patty) - 3 points
2oz whole wheat pasta - 2 points
1/2 cup lite spaghetti sauce - 0 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
Garlic Bread (hamburger bun, broiled) - 2 points
That left me with four points, which I spent on a whole bag of microwave pop corn with fake butter.
Breakfast and Lunch - 22 points 35 flex
My breakfast was standard FF Yogurt and 32g of Nutty Nuggets to bring me down to 19 points. Lunch was tricky, because I wanted to go running, but issues at work prevented me from doing so. I compenstated by having a huge salad from the lunch line, but I skipped the bread and fattening dressing.
4tbs FF French dressing - 2points
2 servings craisens - 4 points
Brings me down to 13 points again. Not bad for a dinner. Again, today we have no idea what's for dinner. I may come down to more yogurt and nutty nuggets. I know we have to go shopping, but I don't want to do that on empty belly. I'll update you later.
Dinner - 13 points 35 flex
Dinner was a hodge podge of vegetables, eggs and wraps. It was good as far as I'm concerned, and I love these 1 pont wraps. They are definately more expensive than the tortialls, but way better in terms of points.
1.5 eggs - 3 points (Andi and I split three)
1/2 potatoe cut up and fried - 1.5 points
mixed veggies fried (with pam) - 0 points
2 wheat low carb wraps - 2 points
glass of skim milk - 2 points
That brings me down to 4.5, which leaves me enough for a No-pudge brownie and a serving of Slow Churn ice cream.
Wednesday - 22 points 35 flex
At the end of last night I had a 1 point bar and a box of raisens. Only two points, so I was left with 2 which is ok. I don't want to do this on a consistent basis. You should always eat your minimum.
For breakfast I had standard 3 point FF Yogurt and Nutty Nuggets. That will bring me down to 19 points. I wanted to go running today, but because of meetings and house issues, I just ate the lunch that I brougt with me. It was my standard 3 point ham sandwich, carrots, apples, and cucumbers. I got 2 tbls of FF French dressing for 1 point. I have a boiled egg that I can eat as a snack, as boild eggs seem to fill me up pretty good. 15 points is what is left before I have my egg, which, after I eat for 2 points, will be down to 13.
This week will be a challenge as Andi is going back to work and we kind of slacked on our meal planning. I think for dinner we'll be having some Pita Pizza's, or perhaps some eggs. I'm pretty sure that I'll be ok. I have to save up for Saturday and Sunday. We have a lot of family and friendly get togethers.
Lunch and Dinner - 19 points 35 flex
For lunch, today I partook in some of Rockwell's lovely salad bar. It's actually very good now and selection is excellent. I had a huge freakin salad. I mean this thing was large. It consisted of mixed greens, celery, cauliflower, broccoli, shrooms, carrots, craisens (oops did I say craisens?), FF French dressing (about 4 tbl spoons worth. After all, it was a huge salad.) I managed to pass up the crunchy stuff on top and opted for a slice of french bread. All of this whopping salad and bread brought me to 6 points for lunch.
2 points for the dressing
2 points for the craisens
2 points for the bread
whole bunch of water
Dinner was equally as civilized, with 2oz of cooked chicken and veggies for a wrap. My lovely better half concocted a great hummus to spread on our wrap. Then there was skim milk and some extra veggies to wash it down. I had an appetizer of graham crackers with the boys, and it tasted wonderful. Here's how dinner broke down.
1 point for 1oz of hummus
1 point for wrap
2 points for 2oz of chicken
2 points for skim milk
1 point for graham cracker
2 points for cheese (I snuck that in there, but since I counted it, I don't think that counts as sneaking.) For dinner that was a total of 9 points, pretty good from what I calculate. Combined with lunch, that brings me down to 4 points left with 35 flex. Perhaps, I'll have some ice cream yet tonight.
The Silent Partner Speaks Up
This is Brian's wife taking control of his blog for a moment.
Brian's weight loss and enthusiasm for helping others is truly amazing. His weight loss story could even be considered inspiring. While he was loosing weight I don't recall a single week in which he gained. I think a big part of his success (and pardon me while I toot my own horn here) was and continues to be my support. After he brought home his Week One materials we transformed the contents of our kitchen. If I remember correctly a few weeks into his program we emptied out any point expensive food item that was unopened and the local food pantry got a donation. Everything in the fridge, freezer and cupboard was clearly labeled as too how many points it was. Sharpie markers, in my opinion, should be included in your Week One materials. Important tool. We started grocery shopping Friday nights because we'd have run of the store and not be in anyone's way as we mulled over the eight different types of spaghetti sauces and four different types of yogurt as we calculated which one to get. Weight Watchers is NOT a diet, it's a life style and whenever there is a change in life style support is necessary for success and a permanent change to take place.
Brian is amazing. Now about 3 1/2 years later he has kept the weight off and is working with people like you to also be successful. Keeping the weight off is not easy, it's ongoing. Remember, it's our life style. So, as I prepare two meals at night; one for the boys who need the extra fat and calories in their diet (but very well balanced of course) and then ours I'm never irritated with the charge of cooking two meals. I'm proud of my husband and everything he has done. However, before you think we are model Weight Watchers citizens there may be a reason he neglected to post anything about last night's dinner.
We stopped at McDonald's. He had a *real* Coke, Spicy *Fried* Chicken Sandwich and fries (which he did share with Ethan). I didn't eat any better with the Quarter Pounder. We may be good 98% of the time, but there is always that weak spot for McDonald's.
New week new points
This was a tough week and I kind of expected to gain, however I didn't. I didn't lose either. My weight stayed the same, 167.6. That was good and nice relief. I still have about 3 lbs to go and this week will be tough as well. But there always seems to be something to put blame on doesn't there?
My breakfast for the day consisted of 110g of FF Yogurt and 32g of Nutty Nuggets for a total of 3 points of breakfast. That will leave me with 19 for the day and a new 35 for the week. Now, on Saturday we're having a long day with a family picnic for lunch, birthday party afterwards and I'll have a fantasy football draft that night. I know I'll need most of my points for that day. I'm going to have to run that day I think. That should help me with the points needed, but I don't know if I'll have time to get a run in, but I'll try. If not, I'll have to enlist the help of my wife for making good choices and keeping me honest. Check out this recipe that should be good with peaches coming into season.
Grilled Cinnamon Peaches
|  | POINTS® Value | 1 Servings | 4 Preparation Time | 5 min Cooking Time | 8 min Level of Difficulty | Easy
desserts | Grilling peaches caramelizes them and brings out that 'peach pie filling' flavor. Serve some up as a light post-barbecue dessert.

3 serving butter-flavor cooking spray
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
4 large peach(es), peeled, halved and pitted
- Off heat, lightly coat grill grate with cooking spray; preheat grill to medium-high heat.
- Sprinkle cinnamon evenly over cut sides of peaches; spray each peach half with cooking spray.
- Place peaches on grill, cut side down. Grill until browned and slightly softened, about 5 minutes. (For best results, do not move the peaches during grilling; this will ensure the attractive grill marks and keep the peaches from sticking to the grill.)
- Turn peaches over and grill on other side for about 3 minutes more; serve warm. Yields 2 peach halves per serving.
Sunday All Day
Breakfast was normal, but this time I've been cutting back the nutty nuggets by one point. That would bring me down for the day to only 19 points. I need all those points because we're meeting family for a "Brunch" at noon. I'm not confident that I'll do well, because I never do when it comes to breakfast buffets.
Lunch, I think I'm just going to have to wipe the points for the day and the flex that I have. I don't know how many points things were, and I most likely didn't do that bad. To start off with, I think I had a lot of coffee.
Scrambled Eggs - 2 points
4 pieces of bacon - 4 points (not sure if this is right, they were all broken)
Nachos - 3 points (chips)
Slice of Prime Rib - 7 points
Piece of Fried Chicken Wing/Thigh - 3 points (however, it didn't taste good so I ate only 1/4 of it)
French Toast Stick - 3 points (with spritz of syrup)
Waffle - 5 points (with syrup)
1/2 cup of hash browns - 2 points
For lunch that brings me down or up to 29 points just for lunch. Ouch. Taking away from what I had left, I had to take 10 points from Flex, and I still have dinner to go, but I think I can mitigate the points for that. By the way, my flex was brought down to 12 points left.
Dinner was a little more controled for me. I grilled some eggplant and we rolled that up into our low point wraps. 1 Point for the wraps, and about 4 points for the cheese (Real mozz left over.) Then for dessert we had some ice cream, 2 points for the 68 grams. That's 9 points for dinner and dessert. Not too bad at all.
After dinner drinks
Well, as it turned out, friends came over for some games and fun. I managed to participate and enjoy some Rum and Coke. However, my Coke was Diet. Still, I managed to measure out the rum and took four points worth. That brings me down to 18 point of Flex.
Saturday - 22 points 32 flex
Breakfast was pretty simple. Oatmeal with some raisens, 3 points total. That leaves me with 19 points for the day. I then decided when the boys went down for their nap to take a leisurly walk at a very fast pace around the neighborhood. This little 30 minute jaunt garnered me approximately 4 points back for the total day. That will get me above to 23 points left for the day.
Lunch was simple too. It was some of the leftover chicken we had but topped with some BBQ sauce and cheese and broiled. 2 points for the buns, 2 points for the cheese and 2 points for the 2oz of chicken. That coupled with the fruit and water I had, brought me down to 17 points for the day.
Dinner was something special cooked by my chef brother. We had some grilled salmon filets for 7 points. I had a beer and glass of wine for a total of 4 points. Caprise salad for 6 points because of the cheese and oil. Then there was dessert, a nice little concoction of sherbet, fresh strawberries and angel food cake. I'll have to give my self 6 points for that one and more beer tonight. That means, I managed to dip into my flex for only six points leaving me with 22 flex points left. Man...I'm glad I went running.
The whole day 22 points 32 flex
For the breakfast, I scaled back on the Nutty Nuggets, because we were going to be at a friends house for lunch. And since I couldn't count on what we'd exactly be having, I'd error on the safe side.
32 g of nutty nuggets - 2 points
110 g of FF yogurt - 1 point
Lunch - 19 points 32 flex
3 pieces of pizza (these were about 4x4, cheese and meat) - 12 points
Tons of fruit and water - 0 points
Dinner - 7 points 32 flex
wheat wrap - 1 point
2oz cooked chicken - 2 points
1/4 cup low fat cheese - 2 points
about 10 pickels
sweet, i have 2 points left for the day. Looks like things worked out.
Dinner - 4 points 33 flex
Wheat wrap - 1 point
Ham - 2 points
Purple Pepper
2 pieces of toast - 2 points
That's five points...ha..only one dipped into flex.
0 and 32 flex left for the week.
Lunch - 18 points 33 flex
Went out with a friend for Mexican and I think I made some good choices.
2 Chicken Flautas (no cheese) - 8 points
1/2 cup refied beans - 3 points
about 6 chips - 3 points
water that leaves me with 4 points left for dinner. Looks like I'll be dipping into Flex, but that shouldn't be bad at all. I could have avoided the chips, but it was a good compromise. I ate slowly and didn't eat the spanish rice that came with the dish. That saved on points too.
Breakfast - 22 points 33 flex
Standard breakfast
110g FF yogurt - 1 points
48g of Nutty Nuggest - 3 points
I'm meeting a friend for lunch at a mexican place. I'll have to ensure I make the right decisions.
Dinner - 13 points 35 flex
No-name Salmon Filets - 6points
Corn on the cob - 1 point
Skim Milk - 2 points
Green Beans - 0 points
That leave me with 4 points and 35 flex.
Bar - 3 lite beers - 6 points. Only two dipped into flex.
Breakfast - 22 points 35 flex
Well, today I have a get together with people tonight at a bar. The good thing about this is that it's after dinner, so I'll be less tempted by bar food. However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a beer or two.
Standard breakfast of FF Yogurt and Nutty Nuggets for 4 points.
Lunch - 18 points 35 flex
Ham sandwich - 3 points
1 whole cucumber - 0 points
three granny smith apples - 0 points
1 piece of chocolate candy gonache - 2 points mmmmm..
That leaves me 13 points for dinner, which I have NO idea what we're having.
Dinner - 18 points 35 flex
Dinner was a little unplanned, meaning, non of it was planned. However, we opted for scrambled eggs with some veggies. They're quick and low in points. Wrapped up in 1 point wraps, they're really good.
2 eggs - 4 points
2 whole wheat wraps - 2 points
skim milk - 2 points
2 red potatoes - 3 points
Salsa - 0 points
Mushrooms and oinions - 0 points
That leaves me with 7 points left. Wow...I'll have a no-pudge brownie, 2 points and ice cream, which will bring me down to 3 points. Not bad since I worked out, so I'm not violating my minimum.
Lunch - 18 points 35 flex
I went running!! Woohoo.
4 miles - +4 points
Ham Sandwich - 3 points
Carrots - 0 points
2 granny smit apples - 0 points
2 tbs FF French Dressing - 1 point
I wasn't planning on running, but I had the free time and it worked out. I feel so much better.
New week, new day, new weigh in
Despsite the week I had, I think overall the running and better decisions I made helped me to lose weight. I weighed in just now and I'm at 167.6. That's down 1.6 really average for a week, and right on the money.
Breakfast was my standard FF Yogurt and nutty nuggets.
Leaves me with 18 points, and 35 brand new flex points. Man, it's great to get these back. I'm having beer tomorrow night for a kickball get together at a bar. My biggest temptation will be to avoid any food. I'll talk tomorrow about that.
Dinner - 15 points -2 flex
Dinner was good, it was a standard one from the Grill It Cookbook. Real easy, low point and tasty.
Grilled Eggplant Pita /w Feta - 6 points
Green Beans - 0 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
No pudge brownie - 2 points
Slow Churn Icecream (Sugar Free) - 2 points
That left me with 1 point left. I'll just leave it.
Breakfast (lunch too) - 22 points -2 Flex
Standard breakfast for today
110g of FF Yogurt - 1 point
48g of Nutty Nuggets - 3 points
Lunch - 18 points -2 Flex
Ham sandwich - 3 points
Cuccumber - 0 points
6 pickles - 0 points
Diet Pepsi - 0 points
Carrots - 0 points
That leaves me 15 points for the rest of the day.
Dinner - 10 points -2 Flex
Garden Burger - 1 point
Bun - 2 points
Tater Tots (9) - 3 points
Corn - 1 point
Skim Milk - 2 points
Nice, that leaves 6 points left for the day
2 servings of ice cream - 4 points. I'll just leave those two points and not eat them.
Morning - 22 Points -2 Flex Points
FF Yogurt - 2 points
48 g Nutty Nuggets - 2 points
4 mile run - +4 points (see, that was a good thing)
Lunch - 22 Points -2 Flex Points
Ham Sandwich - 3 points
Fruit salad - 0 points
Medditarian Bean Salad - 3 points
Cucumber Salad - 2 points
The week up til now.
Where do I begin, well I suppose I should begin where I left off. 12 points and 18 Flex were left for Friday night. We did the pizza on the grill and had calculated the points as 6 points apiece and I had two.
2 Pieces of Pizza - 12 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
Crap, had to take from Flex, that's 16 Flex points left.
Saturday - 22 Points 16 Flex
Oatmeal - 2 points
2 pieces of toast - 2 points
** 4 points so far
Lunch (STATE FAIR TIME...dang)
1/2 potato (share with wife, but with butter and cheese) - 7 points
Meat Stick (ostrich and bison shared with wife) - 4 points (used slim jim as a reference)
Corn Dog (shared with wife and boys) - 3 points
Cranberry Cookie (1/2 shared with boys and wife) - 3 points
1 piece (1 inch) Fudge - 3 points
Fried mozzarella 2.5 pieces - 13 points OUCH! Totally worth it though.
Small Root Beer (12oz) - 3 points
36 Points at the Fair - HOLY CRAP is right! We didn't even have dinner.
Dinner - 0 Points left 2 Points way in the hole.
2 slices of left over pizza - 12 points
garlic bread - 2 points
skim milk - 2 points
green beans - 0 points.
Well, State Fair didn't go as planned and that's partially since I didn't leave much for the Flex Points. Had I had all of my flex points, I would have been ok for the whole day. But you know what, I can't feel bad about this because there was some good that I'll mention. We walked around a lot at the fair, for about 2.5 hours worth of walking. Also, this was the only fair/festival that I went to for the summer and 1 day isn't going to break me. It was important to keep track and not totally give up the whole week, even though there's still two days to go and I have no flex. I'll keep to my points for the next two days and not worry about the flex.
The morning and up to now
Ok, last night I ended up with two points left over, so I had a Weight Watchers Whole Wheat Cheddar twists, for 2.
This morning was a standard breakfast of FF Yogurt and Nutty Nuggets, that always brings me down to 18 points. At a meeting this morning, I indulged in a Tootsie Pop, for only 1 point (17). And for lunch I went to Subway with some friends and I knew that this would be a good lunch. Here's how it broke down.
Turkey Breast wrap - 3 points (can you believe that)
PeperJack Cheese - 1 point (holy crap)
Oil 1tbs - 1 point
Everything on it, and I mean everything. For all that, it only cost me 5 points. Well worth it. I'm down to 12 points and 18 Flex. Tomorrow we're going to go to State Fair, and I should really have a plan. Right now, I think the only plan I have is to eat oatmeal for breakfast for two points. I know I want a corn on the cob, and that's only 1 point. After that, I'm not sure what I'm going to want to eat. Maybe a baked potato, perhaps a pork sandwich, maybe I'll blow all my points for the blue ribbon brownie.
I made whole wheat pizza dough last night, so I know tonight I'll be having pizza on the grill. We're even going to have real sausage on it, but not a ton, so the points shouldn't be too bad. For this week and some of the coming up weeks, make sure to have some kind of plan when you do things like festivals. Even if your plan is to eat one of your favorite things, make sure to do so. It may be nice to do something like we're doing, going in the morning. That way you leave before 'dinner' the big meal, where you're more likely to make the wrong decisions. See, if you go in the morning, you don't run the risk of blowing all your points in a whole day since you still have most of the day to compensate.
Dinner - 10 Points 18 Flex
Well, I did what I wanted.
2 eggs - 4 points
2 pieces of toast - 2 points
skim milk - 2 opints
veggies in the eggs - 0 points
1 whole cucumber - 0 points
Lunch - 18 Points 18 Flex
Big !#$ salad - 0 points
4 tbs Bleau Cheese Dressing - 6 points
Craisens - 2 points
That leaves me with 10 points for the day and 18 flex. 10 should be enough for dinner. I plan on having 2 egss with a bunch of veggies in the middle. Perhaps two pieces of toast and some milk. That's about 6 points in total. We'll see if I follow through with that plan.
Breakfast - 22 points 18 flex
Standard break fast, but this time I added a handfull of blueberris.
FF Yogurt - 1 point
Nutty Nuggest - 3 points
Blueberries - 0 points
coffee - 0 points
That leaves me with 18 and 18
Dinner last night and breakfast
Ok, well two things went right for me last night at Chili's. I ordered the Guiltless Grill selection I wanted. The Chicken Platter for 12 points. I also only drank Diet Coke and water. The bad news is that I ate a ton of chips and salsa. I have no idea how much I ate, but it was a lot. I should have eaten dinner beforehand and had a small salad at Chili's instead. However, I will move on and take my lumps.
Dinner 16 points 34 Flex
Chicken Platter from Chili's - 12 Points
Water and Diet Coke - 0 Points
Four - Five handful of tortilla chips and salsa - 16 points
That left me with 0 points and 18 Flex Points. I better plan on State Fair.
Last nights dinner and this morning
Wow, it's been a hectic morning.
Dinner last night
2 servings of Beer Marinated Cornish hen - 8 points
Roasted Corn - 1 point
Skim Milk - 2 points
Later on we went over to the neighbor's to let the boys play with other kids and the neighbor got us a beer. No biggie, I just have to pull from the flex points.
Beer - 2 points
That leave me with 0 points and 34 Flex
This morning was the standard breakfast
FF Yogurt - 1 Point
48 grams Nutty Nuggets - 3 points
That left me with 18 points and 34 flex. Then I went running and since my planned lunch was rescheduled, I went and got a salad for lunch.
4 mile run - +4 points
Huge salad - 0 points
Craisens - 3 points
Slice of bread - 2 points
FF French dressing - 1 point
That leave me with 16 points and 34 flex. Since I have a get together tonight at Chili's with some friends, I've visited their website and saw they have a healthy menu with items that have the nutritional information. I will pick something ahead of time and make sure I have enough points to purchase a tasty beverage.
Lunch - 18 Points 35 Flex
Standard Ham Sandwhich - 3 points
Apple - 0 points
small salad w/ dressing - 3points
That leaves me with 12 points and 35 flex.
New Week new points
Well, I weighed myself and it would seem I lost about 1lb. Current weight is 169.2, and while my previous post stated 170, it was really 171 or 170.9, I had just wanted to round up. So to be consistent, it's officially a .8 loss. While I don't necessarily like that, it's a little more difficult to lose a lot of weight quickly, this close to a goal weight. What this means is that I just have to either work out more, or pay that much better attention.
This will be a difficult week too. Tomorrow we have an offsite meeting at lunch, I have a dinner get together at Chili's with some friends, and we plan on getting to State Fair on Friday. The good thing about lunch and dinner is that I have the menus online so I can choose my meals before hand and make the better decisions.
Yoplait FF Yogurt 110grams - 1 point
Nutty Nuggets 48grams - 3 points
That's 18 points left and a new 35 Flex.
Dinner - 14 Points 23.5 Flex
Well, it's the end of the week. I splurged a little, but not much for today.
Grilled marinated eggplant and tomato w/ feta - 8 points
Grilled Pita - 4 points
Skim Milk - 2
Carrots and Beans
Brownie - 2points
Ice cream - 2points
Mmmmm...the ice cream. We'll see how the weigh in goes for tomorrow.
State Fair
If you're planning on hitting The Wisconsin State Fair, you may want to hit up this website for the calorie information and use your handy Points Finder to calculate the points of your favorite item. I've done some of them for you. I don't think the cream puff is right, but I went by the website information. If you have some points please leave a comment.
Try to plan out your day and make an effort to save your points and eat what you feel like having. Don't deny yourself, but have a plan.
Corn on the cob - 1 point, medium corn w/o the butter
Fried Oreos - 2points per cookie
Cream Puff - 13 points
Fried Twinkie - 11 points
Cotton Candy - 3 points (1.5 oz)
Funnel Cake - 19 points
Kettle Corn - 11 points (7 cups, not bad actually)
Caramel Apple - 6 points (thatÂs pretty good too)
Fudge - 1.5oz 5 Points
Blooming Onion - 32
Lunch - 18 Points 23.5 Flex
Whew, that was a hard run, but well worth it.
Running - +4 Points
2tbs Bleau Cheese dressing - 3 Points
Carrots - 0 Points
Ham Sandwhich - 3 Points
28grams of pretzles - 2 points
Lots of water
That's 14 Points and 23.5 Flex
Best dang 9 points spent
Ok, as of last night, I still had 32.5 Flex points left, so I splurges. I had a 2 point brownie, with 2 points worth of ice cream and 5 points of peanut butter melted on top. Best nine points ever spent.
This mornings breakfast was the same
Lite and Lively yogurt - 1 points
48 grams of Nutty nuggets - 3 points
That's 18 points with 23.5 flex points left. I am off to go running.
Dinner - 11 Points 33.5 Flex
Mmmm...this was a weird day and we needed something quick.
2oz Whole Wheat Spaghetti - 3 points
1 Morning Star Chix Pattie - 3 points
1 tbs ff mozzerella cheese - 1 point
Skim Milk - 2 points
Garlic Bread - 2 points (this is nothing fancy, just a hamburger bun with butter substitute broiled)
Corn on the cob - 1 point
Doh, had to dip 1 point into flex. That's ok, I think I'll be taking more flex tonight. It's been one of those days.
Lunch - 18 Points 33.5 Flex
Same sandwhich from yesterday. Hey, when something's good, you go with it.
2 wheat bread - 2 points
2 sli boiled ham - 1 point
28g of pretzles - 2 points
13 points left
Whole bunch of water and two apples later.
2 pieces of toast for a snack. Man, am I hungry.
11 Points left. I think we'll be having Pita Pizza's on the grill.
Breakfast 22 Points 33.5 Flex
Perhaps I should shake things up a bit. :)
This morning, as the fates would allow, I decided to change up my breakfast. Also, because of the weather, I don't think we'll be hitting State Fair.
2 eggs - 2 points
2 wheat toast - 2 points
whole bunch of coffee
That's 18 points left.
Dinner and the rest of the night
Milk - 2points
Stir Fry Veggies w/ oil - 2 points
55g of Rice Noodles - 4 points
2oz of Pork Tenderloin (leftovers) - 2 points
Random little boy treats - 4 points
That leaves, 3 points for me to use as I wish. And I might not.
Lunch - 17 Points 33.5 Flex
Before lunch, I managed to eat a handful of fruit while the boys were at my mom's. I also went running for 4 miles before I ate, which I always like to do. Running on a full stomach doesn't feel good.
Running 4 miles - +4 points
2 slices of weat bread - 2 points
2 slices of boiled ham 96% FF - 1 point
Slices of pepperchino - 0
Slice of lettuce - 0
FF Miracle whip - 0
48 g of Pretzle Sticks - 2 points
2 Grannysmith apples - 0 points
Whole bunch of water
Despite what you may think, the Roundy's brand Wheat Bread is the same point value as the Natural Oven's breads. True, you may not feel as full with the Roundy's brand, but for a 3 dollar difference in price, I'll take the money and spend it on good 2 point ice cream.
Left - 16 points 33.5 Flex.
I should really figure out what I'm going to do for State Fair.
Breakfast - 22 points 33.5 flex
Well last night, i ended up not eating that point, which is ok.
This morning, I had the standard breakfast, even for a Saturday.
Lite 'N Lively Yogurt - 1 Point
48g of Nutty Nuggest - 3 Points
1 Piece of Wheat Bread - 1 Point
Only 1 cup of coffee...odd?!
Left over then is 17 Points 33.5 Flex
Dinner...mmm weekend 13 Points 33.5 Flex
Today, I grilled some No-Name salmon steaks that we purchased last week. Tasty.
6oz Salmon Steak - 7 Points
Whole bunch of grilled veggies - 0 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
1/2cup Uncle Bens - 2points
Whole sleeve of Lemon Fruities - 1 point
That leaves me with 1 point left over. Hmmmm...what shall I do? Probably skip it and eat some popcorn.
Lunch - 18 Points 33.5 Flex
Ham sandwhich - 3 Points
Pretzles - 2 Points
4 Stalks of celery - 0 Points
Diet Lemon-Lime Soda - 0 Points
That's 13 Points left for the day. Woohoo...big supper.
Breakfast - 22 Points 33.5 Flex
Same thing this morning I always have.
48 Grams of Nutty Nuggets - 3 points
1 Yoplait Lite and Lively - 1 point
18 Points Left.
Dinner and beyond
Grilled Pork Loin 6.4oz - 5 Points
This was an easy one. It was one of the packaged one's from Pick 'N Save, grilled for about 24mintes on low to medium flames.
Mac and Cheese for a side 1/2 cup - 3 Points
Skim Milk - 2 Points
Grilled Veggies - 0 points
That left me with 3 points left over. I ate that up with one No Pudge brownie for 2 and 1/4 cup (31 grams) of the slow churned ice cream. Man is that stuff good. Tomorrow, I'll have a post for the State Fair.
Lunch - 18 Points 33.5 Flex
Man...I should have worked out last week. I hurt so much, I can't walk. Ok, I can kind of walk, but not really well. I feel really good about myself though, and that's what's really important.
Running 4 Miles - +4 Points
1 cup Pad Tai - 6 Points
Cup of Carrots - 0 Points
Apple - 0 Points
2 tbls Bleau Cheese Dressing - 3 Points
Diet Pepsi -0
6 Gallons of water - 0
That leaves 13 points left for tonight. Dang, I'm glad I ran, that's a lot of points left to have for dinner.
Breakfast - 22 Points 33.5 Flex
Ok, I'm leaving to go running, right now, outside.
Same breakfast as all the other days - 4 Points
Whole bunch more coffee - 0 Points
18 Points Left.
Guess, what's for lunch? Same thing as yesterday. Gotta love leftovers.
I should have known better
I kow very well that my motivation to work out decreases signifcantly when I get home. I didn't work out, but I did adjust what I ate so I wouldn't go over too much. I have made adjustments and I have my missing piece of equipment in my bag, and I know I will work out tomorrow.
Dinner - 9 Points 35 Flex
BLT (2.5 pieces of bacon) and wheat toast - 4.5 points
Skim Milk - 2 points
Baked Potato - 3 points
Snack of popcorn - 1 point
I had to use 1.5 Flex points. Not bad I think.
Lunch - 18 Points 35 Flex
Dang it, I forgot a key piece of work out equipment so I'll have to work out tonight at home, once the boys go down. I ended up splurging on points for lunch because I love bleau cheese dressing.
1 Cup Pad Tai - 6 points (left over from last night)
1.5 cups of carrots - 0 points
2tbls Bleau Cheese Dressing - 3 points
Apple - 0 points
16oz water
That's, 9 flex points left. Ouch! I want to save up on my points, because my wife and I may go to State Fair this weekend if the weather is pleasant enough. That means a run is important tonight to gain back the 3-4 I ate in dressing.
Lunch - 18 Points 35 Flex
Dang it, I forgot a key piece of work out equipment so I'll have to work out tonight at home, once the boys go down. I ended up splurging on points for lunch because I love bleau cheese dressing.
1 Cup Pad Tai - 6 points (left over from last night)
1.5 cups of carrots - 0 points
2tbls Bleau Cheese Dressing - 3 points
Apple - 0 points
16oz water
That's, 9 flex points left. Ouch! I want to save up on my points, because my wife and I may go to State Fair this weekend if the weather is pleasant enough. That means a run is important tonight to gain back the 3-4 I ate in dressing.
No Excuses Today, I have to go Running
I have to work out today tomorrow and Friday if I want to have the weekend off and meet my goal of working out three days a week. I'll take my lunch and go running on the treadmill. It's still too hot to go outside. I ended up having the No-Pudge brownie last night with 66g of Edy's Grand Lite - Slow Churn Ice Cream. That ice cream is awesome for only two points. A little pricey, but worth the extra flavor.
Breakfast - 22 Points 35 Flex
Yoplait Lite and Fit - 1 point
Roundy's Nutty Nuggets 48g - 3 points
Handful of blue berries - 0 points
Whole bunch of coffee
Dinner - 13 Points 35 Flex
1 Jolly Rancher - 1 point (not sure on this one, but it's a good guess.)
Whole bunch of water
1 Cup Pad Tai - from the Take Out Tonight Cookbook - 6 points
As prepared this is 5 points however I added some peanuts and extra bean sprouts.
Skim Milk - 2 points
4 remaining points
Not sure what I'll do about the remaining four points. If anyone wants the recipe that my wife used to make the Pad Tai, I'll post it. I will most likely have a No-Pudge (2points) with 2 points worth of peanut butter. But I'll update that once I actually eat it. I could have had a beer too, but that Pad Tai made me full. We also have 2 point ice cream, which I may have on top of my brownie. So many decisions.
Lunch - 18 Points 35 Flex
Ham Sandwich - 3 points
3 Celery stalks - 0 points
1 serving of pretzels - 2 points
24 oz of water
1 Apple as a snack - 0 points (see breakfast post about fruit.)
Breakfast - 22 Points 35 Flex
Yoplait Lite and Fit - 1 points
Roundy's Nutty Nuggets 48g - 3 points
Handful of blue berries - 0 points (I'll worry about fruit if I don't lose weight.)
3 cups of coffee.
Today's Stats
Ok, after being on vacation, here's the ugly truth.
Current weight - 170
Goal weight - 164
That's 170 with clothes on, no shoes.