Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oops, I forgot Friday night. That's important.

For lunch, I had a wonderful Indian dish left over from the night, or two nights before. Either way, it was awesome, and only 3 points. The chicken and the leftover sauce wasn't a full serving. So, for dinner I had 11 points for dinner. I think that I would need it, after I look at it from tonight, which happens to be Saturday.

We had a standard pita pizza for our family, those come in, with the lite cheese (not fat-free) comes in at 6 points. With the milk, and garlic bread, I'm at 10 points for the dinner. Leaves me with 1 point. I went to a movie with my buddy and we managed to have only two beers, lite, and I had one, count it one mozzerella stick. Four points for the beer, 4.5 for the one stick, for a total of 9 points (I'll round up.) That means I have 23 points in flex. Woooo...I made it.


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