Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Wednesday - 22 points 35 flex

Breakfast was the good old Nutty Nuggets and Yogurt for two points. That was good, because I forgot today was Lunch with Boss day. It was actually a skip level meeting with the CIO and a bunch of random peons. We get to ask questions and enjoy a catered lunch.

I tried to make good choices, but I didn't think it was necessary to stick to hard since I have plenty of flex and I don't have any party plans this weekend.

Baked Chicken breast - 2 points
Salad - 0 points
Bun - 2 points
Dressing 2 tbs - 2 points
1/8 cup of nuts - 2 points
Chicken Tetrazini - 4 points
Cauliflower - 0 points.

For dinner I'm left with 10 points. That isn't bad, but we're having something new tonight and I'll let you all know how it turns out. I skipped the ice cream dessert for lunch and stuck to coffee. I'm doing allllllright.


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